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Carol Felley – bio

Born in New York City, New York, Carol Felley is an artist who currently lives and works in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Inspired by natural elements and still life arrangements, the objects in her paintings are instilled with the mystery of her personal dialog with each subject. This exchange creates an abstraction, using color and symbolic markings to communicate. By means of this internal felt sensibility, concepts of form and color are explored. Layers of meaning are communicated using watercolors, acrylic paint, charcoal, pastel, monotype, and collage. Each work is infused with this personal expression in order to compel the viewer to explore an essential aspect of self both as experienced internally and in relationship with the world.

Carol received a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University in 1974 and a Masters in Counseling from Wayland University in 2011.

Artist Statement

In these works on paper light is explored as coming into the picture plane from a larger source, suggesting both the physical and divine qualities of light. A subject and background are not fully depicted, instead revealing shapes that suggest prisms of intersecting patterns that emerge from beyond the edge of the paper. The still life subject of floral arrangements is considered as shapes and patterns of light that emerge from a nonphysical source. These patterns and shapes suggest a celestial source of light, and then converge into patterns that disperse into the picture frame and become defined in the subject of the floral arrangements.

Works on paper: Acrylic, watercolors, charcoal, pastel

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