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Artist Statement

I am a native New Mexican who grew up in the most beautiful place on earth, The Land of Enchantment. I find inspiration everywhere, everyday, in the little things…a pile of cottonwood leaves, apples hit by light on a counter, a lizard on a wall with a shadow 10 times longer than the lizard itself.

I fell in love with painting when I created my first piece. It was a 4-foot alligator that I painted in kindergarten. Or at least it felt 4 feet long in the eyes of a small child.

Today, art still holds the same magic. Every piece (even a 2 ½ x 3 ½ inch miniature) seems larger than life. Every time I complete a painting, I step back and say to myself…”Did I really paint that? Wow! Lucky me.” I am grateful every day, not only to have this gift, but to have the opportunity to use it. I have studied under some amazing artists and mentors and am grateful for their guidance. But I am most grateful to the Greatest Artist of All who gave me this gift to begin with.

As in kindergarten, I am having a blast “playing with paint.” My goal is to always have fun with art, and in doing so, create beautiful pieces of art that bring joy to myself and others.

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