I have used my creativity as an outlet for my many “Aha’s” and for my health challenges. Throughout my life, whether through music, cooking, writing, photography, poetry, painting or counseling, I have been very blessed to have wonderful teachers and mentors.
My paintings are a reflection of my travels – a palette for others to view the beauty of our world through watercolor, pastel, oil, acrylic, photographs or multi-medium. Having been told, “It’s a miracle you are alive,” has given me wonderful purpose and deep gratitude.
For over thirty years, I have painted and photographed landscapes from Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, England, Italy, Greece, Israel, the Galapagos Islands, Asia, the America’s, the Midwest and now, especially, the Southwest.
My paintings and photography have appeared in Indiana one-woman shows at Clowes Memorial Hall of Butler University, the Jewish Community Center, Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation and other venues. My art and photography have been in the “Taos Artist’s Collective” in Taos, Natural Accents Gallery, at the Jewish Community Center and Nahalat Shalom Congregation in Albuquerque. I’ve had one-woman shows at both the Hillcrest Banks in Taos, NM, and at the Heritage & Arts Museum in Los Lunas, NM. My work is currently being sold at “ArtQwest Fine Art gallery”, in Scottsdale, AZ.