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All works of art shown here are on display and for purchase at
New Mexico Cancer Center
4901 Lang Ave NE
(SW Corner of Paseo del Norte & I-25)

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The Art of Healing

December 12, 2020 - February 19, 2021

curated by Gallery Director Regina Held

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Important Announcement - Coronavirus Update

If you are interested in possibly purchasing one or more of the items exhibited here on the Gallery With A Cause, for those fully vaccinated please joins us for the newly re-started ARTScrawl on June 4, and don't hesitate to call (505) 803-3345 to speak with Gallery Director Regina Held about arranging a personal visit to see those items in a safe setting.

Congratulations to Rainer Zawadzki - People's Choice Award, and George Hayes - Curator's Choice Award!

© 2017-2021 New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation, Gallery With A Cause. All Rights Reserved.
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