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All works of art shown here are on display and for purchase at
New Mexico Cancer Center
4901 Lang Ave NE
(SW Corner of Paseo del Norte & I-25)

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The Art of Quarantine

February 22 - May 21, 2021

curated by Gallery Director Regina Held

This exhibition showcases how creativity can help help artists cope with the pandemic and social isolation. Some have produced large amounts of work in their regular styles, while others experimented with new media and subject matter. This 409 piece show features a wide variety of styles including ceramics, quilts, weaving, mixed media, painting, printmaking and photography.

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Important Announcement - Coronavirus Update

If you are interested in possibly purchasing one or more of the items exhibited here on the Gallery With A Cause, for those fully vaccinated please joins us for the newly re-started ARTScrawl on June 4, and don't hesitate to call (505) 803-3345 to speak with Gallery Director Regina Held about arranging a personal visit to see those items in a safe setting.

Congratulations: People's Choice Winner Rebecca Nolda & P.K. Williams - Collaboration and Curator's Choice Winner Cristina Sanchez

© 2017-2021 New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation, Gallery With A Cause. All Rights Reserved.
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