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Gallery With A Cause • Located in the New Mexico Cancer Center • Benefitting the NMCC Foundation

Please call gallery director Regina Held to arrange a private gallery tour, make a purchase, or ask any questions.


I realized my love of art in middle school while taking an art elective. I continued taking art classes all through high school. I loved drawing and dabbled some in ceramics and painting. After graduation I took some drawing classes at the community colleges off and on. Once I had a family my artwork was very sporadic and became non-existent as raising a family and working full-time consumed my time. After a 15-year absence from art, I started taking classes again at the community colleges and received a Liberal Arts degree. I retired in 2022 and finally realized my dream of painting whenever I want. Since my retirement I have joined the PALS plein-air painting group and have participated in some local shows.


Artist Statement

I feel that I am still working on my style as an artist. As someone who learned to draw representationally, painting was a challenge as I didn’t have the same kind of control. I began my painting journey in oil, but I have started to work with acrylics as well. I love the outdoors and plein-air painting has become something I look forward to doing. It has been challenging learning how to deal with weather related issues compared to working in the studio.


I am also starting to explore some abstract and mixed media pieces. I am working on combining drawing and painting. It is a work in progress and since I have retired, I now have the time and freedom to see what I can accomplish.

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