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Gallery With A Cause • Located in the New Mexico Cancer Center • Benefitting the NMCC Foundation

Please call gallery director Regina Held to arrange a private gallery tour, make a purchase, or ask any questions.


Asa first developed his passion for capturing the diverse and organic beauty of nature while serving in the United States Military abroad. Born and raised in Albuquerque, he has operated a small business here since graduating from the University of New Mexico. He frequently travels throughout the United States, with his beautiful wife, hiking and exploring our public lands. To date, they have explored 25 National Parks, with another 4 lined up for 2024. Having coordinated several outdoor photography workshops in the Southwest, he continues to cultivate and share his photographic passion with other adventurous photographers.


Artist Statement

“Our ability to perceive quality in nature begins, as in art, with the pretty. It expands through successive stages of the beautiful to values as yet uncaptured by language.” – Aldo Leopold

My work doesn’t have a definitive purpose. I am simply fortunate enough to – every now and then – capture the beautiful. My work simply embodies numerous values I hold dear: beauty, energy, mistakes, and memories.

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