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Gallery With A Cause • Located in the New Mexico Cancer Center • Benefitting the NMCC Foundation

Please call gallery director Regina Held to arrange a private gallery tour, make a purchase, or ask any questions.


Blake Stauffer began life in the State of Alaska, enjoying the great outdoors.  In high school, Blake became interested in the subject of astronomy, and volunteered to work at the Juneau planetarium. He continued his studies in physics and astronomy at Brigham Young University.  He then attended graduate school at the University of Alaska and received a PhD in Space Plasma Physics. Blake is currently employed as a contractor for the Air Force and Space Force.

Blake only recently began his self-study in visual art, starting digital design in late 2022.  Recent advancements in digital technologies and tools have enabled him to become more expressive. He encountered the requisite technology while researching artificial intelligence algorithms for a work project. Most of his inspiration for art comes from the beauty of Alaska and from his knowledge of deep space phenomena. In the last year, Blake has created over 50 works of digital art, many of which have been exhibited in four local Albuquerque galleries.


 Artist Statement

My primary medium is digital art. My workflow incorporates up to eight different software programs that utilize an iterative process to fulfill my creative vision. I typically start with a hand-drawn piece, curve-based mathematical model, or photograph. I then stabilize and stylize the image with a generative artificial intelligence algorithm. The algorithm is one that I had previously trained using hundreds of images from my photograph library or public domain. I then touch up the image by hand and further enhance it with inpainting tools. I then go back and forth with differently trained versions of my generative algorithm until I am satisfied with the result. I make final touches in photo-editing software.

I prefer to create images inspired by the beauty of Alaska, or of deep space. I am captivated in particular by the aurora borealis, which combines both aspects. All my space-based artwork is based on real phenomena as best understood by the astrophysics community. I also have a few fantasy inspired works.

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